Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars

Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars|Clínica Dental Ortoperio


Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars|Clínica Dental Ortoperio


Woman who claims that her fixed prosthesis in the upper arch is fractured. The fixed prosthesis has an inappropriate emergence profile.

The dental scanner reveals severe atrophy. Thus, a bone graft is required before placing implants.

The final restoration includes metal-porcelain crowns with a suitable contour of soft tissues, noticeable due to the presence of papillae and appropriate emergence profiles.

Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

1.- Fractured bridge. The bone atrophy affecting the ridge prevents an appropriate emergence profile.

Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

2.- The occlusal view of the cracked bridge reveals the absence of an emergence profile, brought about by the underlying bone atrophy.

Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

3.- Implants placed after bone and gum grafts. Note the presence of papillae and the right emergence profile.

Dra. Gema Olmos
Bone and gum reconstruction to obtain papillae with implants on molars|Clínica Dental Ortoperio


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