Dental Aesthetics

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Restoration of a small fracture in the central incisor and in the central incisor with composite veneers…

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Restoration of a small fracture in the central incisor with composite veneers. Treatment performed by one of our specialists in dental aesthetics…

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Treatment of periodontal disease effects in lower incisors with composite veneers. Treatment performed by one of our specialists in dental aesthetics…

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

24-year-old woman has a periapical cyst in the right upper-central incisor, which has changed colour. The tooth is extracted and replaced by an immediate implant and a provisional crown, which afterwards is replaced by a final…

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio
See related scientific publications. Case history:
Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

See related scientific publications. Case history:

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

The lateral incisors agenesis is a congenital lack of these teeth. It is very common and it is often detected when the baby tooth does not fall or when it falls but the final tooth does not erupt…

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

The patient is an 18-year-old woman who lost her incisors due to a trauma in her childhood.She had severe bone atrophy, rendering it impossible to place implants. Therefore, a bone graft had to be done before …

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

28-year-old woman. She requests the extraction of the right upper-central incisor. We explain to her that due to the malocclusion detected (open bite, maxillary compression), placing an implant is not recommended…

Dental Aesthetics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Orthodontic extrusion + Immediate implants + Aesthetic prosthesis. Young woman with displaced fixed crowns and suffering from periodontal disease with papillae loss, evidenced by the black spaces in the….

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