Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Class I, II and III

Skeletal or dental:

Class I refers to an occlusion or bite where there is a correct sagittal relation between the upper and the lower jaws.

There might be alterations in the vertical or transversal planes, in the position or the inclination of the teeth, overcrowding or excessive space, etc.

Class II refers to an occlusion or bite where there is a sagittal disorder between the upper and the lower jaw, owing to an outgrowing of the lower jaw or, more common, a rearmost position or smaller size of the lower jaw or mandible.

It might be attributed to a skeletal origin (if the problem is caused by the size or position of the maxillary bones) or dental (owing to a displacement of the dental arches).

Class III refers to an occlusion or bite where there is a sagittal disorder between the upper and the lower jaw, due to a deficiency of the maxillary bone (upper jaw) or a forward position of the mandible.

Likewise, it can have a skeletal or dental origin.

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