Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain

Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio


Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio


The patient is an 18-year-old woman who lost her incisors due to a trauma in her childhood.

She had severe bone atrophy, rendering it impossible to place implants. Therefore, a bone graft had to be done before placing the implants.

During the time the bone graft was healing, a lingual orthodontic treatment was conducted, and after the treatment two implants were placed.

Lastly, two zirconium-porcelain crowns were completely integrated aesthetically and harmoniously with the rest of the teeth.

Multidisciplinary work including Lingual Orthodontics+ Bone graft+ Dental implants+ Zirconium-porcelain crowns.

Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

1.- Appearance prior to surgery, where the flat profile denotes a severe bone atrophy.

Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

2.-  Appearance of a restored alveolar ridge after a bone graft. An aesthetic lingual orthodontic treatment was used to correct a concomitant malocclusion.

Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

3.- Appearance of two zirconium-porcelain crowns on two implants Astra Tech Dentsply in the central incisors sector.

Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

4.- Perfect integration of the crowns within the aesthetics of the smile.

Dra. Gema Olmos
Lingual Orthodontics + Bone graft + Dental Implants + Zirconium crowns- Porcelain|Clínica Dental Ortoperio


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