CC Centrofama | Murcia
Fri: 9:00 - 17:00.
The patient presents a missing tooth, the left central incisor, which is restored by an adhesive bridge. Note the bone reabsorption of the alveolar ridge.
A bone graft is mandatory before placing an implant. After the integration of the implant, a metal-porcelain crown is placed, and since the tissues have already been rebuilt, it gets integrated correctly with the rest of the anterior teeth
2.- Occlusal view revealing a lack of soft tissues in the edentulous area. Mandatory to perform a bone graft before placing the implant.
3.- Final appearance of the implant-supported crown on the central incisor. Note the harmonious and healthy contour of the soft tissues, which is achieved thanks to the bone graft.
Tell us the day and time you would like to come. We will contact you as soon as possible.