
periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Young woman. She is right-handed and brushes harder the left side of her upper teeth, giving rise to gingival recessions. The receding gums are treated with grafts, achieving a highly aesthetic and harmonious gingival contour…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Young woman presents gingival recessions with central papilla loss in the anterior-superior sector. After explaining the complexity of the case due to the loss of bone between the roots, which is evident because of the…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Young woman with serious gingival recessions affecting her upper canines. At the level of the right upper canine the recession is extended almost to the root apex, endangering the prognosis of the tooth. Due to the fact that the…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

The patient is a 51-year-old woman who has gingival recession in her upper left canine. Periodontal plastic microsurgery consisting of a gingival connective tissue graft was performed, achieving…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Young man. He has been referred to Ortoperio Clinic after an orthodontic treatment. A gingival connective tissue graft is performed, achieving full coverage of the gingival recessions…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Teenage girl finishing an orthodontic treatment. She presents gingival recession affecting her right lower-central incisor. It is treated with periodontal plastic microsurgery consisting of a gum graft. Full coverage…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

17-year-old girl. She has just completed an orthodontic treatment. An excess of gum is detected. It covers partially the crowns of the teeth, making the teeth look square and causing gingival smile. Crown lengthening surgery is…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Teenage girl. She is diagnosed with gingival recessions, which must be treated before the orthodontic treatment. She is therefore recommended connective tissue grafts. After the gum grafts, the recessions are fully covered…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

Young man with acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis produced by a combination of stress and plaque buildup due to poor hygiene. He undergoes a periodontal anti-infectious treatment consisting of…

periodontics|Clínica Dental Ortoperio

51-year-old woman. She seeks consultation regarding the recession in her upper canine. She is explained in detail the biological constraints of the case due to a loss of interproximal bone tissue and, most of all, the horizontal bone loss…


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